
How To Rotate The Taskbar In Windows 10

Microsoft Explains Why You Can't Motion the Windows 11 Taskbar

Windows 11 sidebar hacked to the left
Benj Edwards

E'er since the first preview build arrived, users have asked Microsoft to make it an pick to move the Windows eleven taskbar location to the left or correct side of the screen. Unfortunately, information technology doesn't look like that'south happening anytime soon.

As y'all probably know, the Windows xi taskbar is locked to the lesser center of the screen. And while you tin can motility the icons to the left bottom edge like Windows 10, that'southward about it. At that place are several valid arguments for why your Windows taskbar should be on the left, but Microsoft doesn't see information technology that way.

In a recent Reddit AMA (inquire me anything), Microsoft'due south Windows 11 team took several questions about the new operating system. Every bit expected, a question about the taskbar location quickly came up. If yous were hoping for good news, sorry to burst your bubble. We didn't get any.

When asked about the choice to change the Windows eleven taskbar location (at the 9:50 infinitesimal marking), Tali Roth, head of Windows Cadre experience at Microsoft, gave us a short answer that Windows fans won't like.

"When nosotros built Windows 11, we rebuilt the taskbar from scratch. That meant we had to pick and cull which things we'd put in commencement and which features we would include."Every bit Roth explains the process, she confirms the squad is essentially working on hurting points and adjustments to aid a larger group of users.

"The goal was to be really information-driven about what to include, what to put off for later, or what not to include."

Information technology sounds like being able to motility the taskbar isn't a huge asking or didn't take plenty attending to warrant a change. Instead, Roth quickly pivots to some of the recent adjustments the team has made, like the collapsed and expanded taskbar for smaller touchscreen devices or tablets.

As the chat continues, Tali Roth then explains that "when it comes to really existence able to motion the taskbar to unlike locations on the screen, there are a number of challenges with that. When you call back about having the taskbar on the right, or the left, all of a sudden the reflow and the work all of the apps take to do to have a wonderful experience is only huge."

Then, circling back to her earlier signal nigh making "data-driven decisions," the subset of users that desire to move the taskbar is minimal compared to other folks asking for different features. That said, it does sound similar moving the taskbar is one of those things Microsoft will continue to expect at and keep listening to feedback, but at the moment, they don't have a programme to build the side taskbar.

While Microsoft doesn't program to make this an choice someday presently, at that place is a registry hack that lets you lot move the Windows eleven taskbar to the left, right or fifty-fifty the acme of the screen, merely it's sort of broken, so don't expect a perfect feel.

via Reddit


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